Tuesday 16 July 2013

Unbreakable laws of Money: The Law of Cause and Effect

One of your Major goals of life should be financial independence. You must aim to reach a point where you have enough money that you do not have to worry about money anymore. Right now in Kenya, you have the best opportunity to reach this point. But first you must understand the unbreakable laws of money. There are several laws but on this post I will talk about the first and most fundamental law.
Money has an energy of its own; it is attracted to those who treats it well. It flows towards those who are able to use it in the most productive ways to produce valuable goods and services and invest it to create employment and opportunities to benefit others. It flows away from those who use it badly. Your aim should be to acquire as much money as you honestly can and then use it to enhance quality of your life and help others as much as you can. Here is the number one law of money.

Law of Cause and Effect

Everything happens for a reason. There is a cause for every effect. This is the iron law of human destiny. It states that we live in a world governed by law not chance. It says that everything happens for a reason whether we know it or not. Every effect, success or failure, wealth or poverty has a specific cause or causes. Every cause or action has an effect or consequence of some kind or another whether we know it or not. This law says that all achievement, all wealth, all happiness, prosperity and success are direct and indirect effects or results of causes and actions. This means that if you are clear on the effects/results you want, you can achieve them. All you need to do is study those who have done it before and do exactly what they did for you to achieve the same results.

Its Application on Money and Financial Independence

The law of cause and effect applies to money as it does to any other subject. It says that financial success is an effect, as such it precedes from certain specific causes or actions. When you identify these causes or actions you can achieve what 10% of our population has achieved. You can acquire as much money as can possibly acquire if you just do what others have done before you to achieve what you want. And if you don’t, well, you won’t! It’s as simple as that.
The most profound expression of this law is that thoughts are causes, and conditions are effect. Put in another way, thought is creative. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. You create your entire world by the way you think. All the people and circumstances in your life have been created by your thinking or attracted to you by your thinking.

The Law as a Principle of Success

The most important principle of personal and business success is this; you become what you think about most of the time. It is not what happens to you but what you think about what happens to you that determines how you feel or react to a situation. It’s not the world outside of you that dictates the conditions of your life but rather the world inside of you. Specifically, it is the way you think about money and about your financial situation that determines your financial conditions today.
Accurate diagnosis is half the cure. Look at the most important parts of your life. Your family, your health, your work and your financial situation and observe the cause-effect relationship of what you think, speak and do and the results you are getting. Be honest with your self.

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