Sunday, 3 July 2016

Our Love to Hate Keeps Us From Prospering as a Country

This probably gonna be a short essay. I was just watching a show I love to hate and listening to sentiments I also love to hate. But half way through the show I wondered; why do I keep watching this, I don’t like it and it doesn’t add anything to my life?

At this moment something just came to me and I thought its good I share, so I ran to my laptop to type it down. It’ll probably seem bizarre but bear with me. It quite interesting.

I was just wondering why as a country we seem to have a lot of hatred, lack of appreciation of our accents and everything we have –the grass’ always greener on the other side- whether its Maghuli, we think he’s better than our president, we talk of Buhari we think he better than our president. Even the other day watching a channel I love to hate airing a program I passionately hate, they insinuated that probably what we need is not a good constitution probably we need a strong good president like Buhari –so stupid, I thought.

But then again why is this so, we seem to hate corruption, extremism, tribalism, hate speech and all those bad things that any sane person ought to hate; how then is it that things always seems to get worse?

While this may seem a rhetorical question, I came up with an answer –it’s because we love to hate them. We love to hate corruption, I mean, those people who speak against corruption are so passionate they make me want to hate corruption even more, whenever I hear some corruption dealings, I comment and express my disgust, and I feel good when those news anchors point to my tweet expressing my disgust.

If I only hated this TV station and its programs I would have just switched to another station, but now I love to hate it. So I watch it and I hate it even more, they trigger my inspiration and I write such articles as this one. Other people love to hate corruption so much that when it happens they are inspired to draw cartoons and caricatures of it; others pen down passionate articles; while others do investigative journalism to uncover the truths –very noble things, or so I thought.

You know, now I understand why Jimmy Gate would write a song about sponsors –he just hates it with a passion, and after months and years of listening to people talk about it and do nothing about he got inspired by his love to hate the “sponsor phenomenon” that he wrote a song about. Yes, I know, you feel a bit confused right now –I am too. But there is something here.

If only we hated corruption, then we would be able to switch and talk about the good governance, Mohamed Ali would be investigating and laying praises upon policemen who have done great job. But now we love to hate corruption, so Mohamed Ali have to investigate and show us how corrupt our system is, on this one I also comment and state my disgust.

We are able to justify our continued hate on corruption because it’s a vice and we should hate it. But we have tipped over, we love to hate corruption or in other words we passionately hate corruption, tribalism, and all those other vices. And we also love good governance, nationalism, patriotism, and we wish we could achieve them.

But now I’m wondering, what would be the case if we loved to love governance, nationalism, and patriotism. Would that spur us into action as our love to hate corruption has spurred us into numerous tiny and big actions? 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

One Media House, Three Presenters, and One Political Party That Will Drive Kenya to the Pit

I love media freedom, and I appreciate what our media houses and stakeholders are doing to enlarge our freedom of expression. It is in this spirit of expression that I thought I should share my two cents on the current situation in Kenya.

I celebrated when KTN News was launched, but I can’t say the same for my beautiful wife. Since then, it’s like my TV was permanently set to this channel.

However, watching this channel for that long has led me to believe its main aim is to ensure Kenya falls into violence after the next election. It’s hell bent on pushing any opposition agenda no matter the consequence. You just need to watch three presenters on popular shows and you’ll come up with the same decision. So in my opinion, the one media house that needs to be checked for its role in any disruption in peace in Kenya is KTN News.

In this media house, almost all presenters have a very biased view and almost ready to push any opposition, Al Shabaab, or any sentiments against the Government. However, I’ll pick on three that I believe are enthusiastic about it.

I Believe News Sources program on KTN News presented by James Smart and Dennis Onsarigo are geared towards creating a narrative that is misleading and misinforming the public. As we all know, there are facts and there is reporting of those facts. Those are two different things that should be differentiated. I believe these two guys are distorting the facts in their reporting so as to achieve a certain end. I am currently doing a Content Analysis of this program to establish their main agenda.

There are two ladies I usually group together, Yvonne Okwala and Linda Ogutu. I love these two presenters, they are authentic, passionate, and sincere. In fact, I was almost carried away with their sincerity to think they are truthful and factual. I thought they were representing facts truthfully.

But I have come to understand that one can be sincerely wrong. One can sincerely misrepresent facts. I believe what they do is as a result of the company policy and they represent that so sincerely –no wonder they have the job. These too, will take the country to the pit if they are not challenged and checked.

I don’t want to bore anyone with a long list of things they have done, but a content analysis report is coming up soon that will elaborate everything. In the meantime, I invite all to watch this channel and especially those three presenters carefully and make their own judgement.

The one political party is ODM and in extension the CORD. It’s in open secret that for CORD to win or to be in power there has to be violence. They can’t will according to the rules set. Their only option is to set rules that favor them. That’s why you’ll hear of proposals such as disbanding IEBC by storming their offices, simply because by going through the process, the commissioners will be found innocent according to the law.

CORD wants to the power so bad yet they have failed to take responsibility. They will incite people to violence and then blame it on police. Anyway, that’s not why I am writing this.

Going back to my point, I think CORD will take this country to the pit. They have already started calling for people to take up arms. It is clear, through their favorite channel (KTN and KTN News) that they are threatening anyone who does not agree with them with the promise of war during and after the 2017 elections. I’ll leave it at that, just watch KTN News and you’ll understand more.

So, what now. I am appealing to ICC investigators, NGOs, Police, and other investigating departments to start keeping data of all the sentiments of war being uttered by those leading and supporting this party/coalition. At least after they have committed their heinous crimes of painting Kenya red with Kenyan’s blood, those who will be left will have some evidence of how the war was planned and executed.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Reasons Why I Will Never Vote For Raila to Be My President

I have been following the cord leader for quite sometimes now, and I have come to conclusion that he will tell you anything you want to hear just to get your vote.

He has no vision or intention of taking us anywhere. As you might have noted, his greatest aim is to get to power and to remove one or maybe two tribes from the power.

This is evident in the recent comments by one of his greatest supporter.

In 2013, like many of you, I entertained the thought of having the former PM as a president. However, during the presidential debate, I heard something that made me question his commitment to the republic.

During this period, the debate on Migingo was rife. Asked what he would do to resolve the issue. He confidently said he wouldn’t fight over a piece of ROCK!

An innocent comment/answer you would say, but to me I felt offended. People died trying to get the mbeberu out of that and other rocks around the country. Furthermore, Uganda values that rock more than the would-be Kenyan president.

I changed my mind, and of course, like many of you, the current president won my heart and my vote.

Then there was the issue with mungiki, after the group caused a lot of strife to the central Kenya residents, the former PM was too willing to talk and engage with them.

The same soft spot was exhibited towards the “Mombasa Si Kenya” movement. In fact, I thought if he became president, he would accept the cessation.

So by now we wouldn’t be having the Migingo and Mombasa, and of course central would be ruled by gangs.

His recent comments about the KDF in Somalia says a lot. The alshabaab were calling for our troops to leave Somalia. And so, the former PM joined them in calling for the same.

Since we all know the aim of the terrorist group is to take over NEP, then it would mean he would be much willing to discuss on how we can come up with an agreeable resolution. And probably he would say it’s another piece of desert, this time round.

We all know his level of confidence in the Kenyan government, institutions, as well as our ability to deal with our issues.

I mean, a simple accounting matter like the Eurobond, he would rather have “competent international” accounting firms do it for us. In my mind I am clear, voting raila as the president will be the end of Kenya as we know it.