Thursday, 15 November 2012 The New Online Shop That Will Change The Use of Internet in Kenya

Most people have been wondering when that time will come when the internet is fully taken advantage of in Kenya. Well, in my opinion that time has come and is the online shop that has done it. Started by an established entrepreneur Anthony Gichuru and his wife and media personality Julie Gichuru, has already taken the internet by storm. According to the founders, the online shop has generated remarkable sales in the almost two weeks it has been operational.

Mimi online shop is certainly a case study that will be used for other businesses that endeavor to conduct business online. As an online shop, allows its customers to pay online for goods that are then delivered the next day to them at the location of their choice –talk about ease and efficiency!

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So you might be wondering what is selling online.

Mimi is a women’s and men’s shop online, it supplies retail and wholesale fashion cladding at a very affordable price and ensures that its online store fashion shop is well furnished with new merchandise every week. Apart from clothing, you will find shoes and other accessories that you can buy for Christmas.

The online clothing boutique has taken the hassle from clothes shopping for men and women. Further, preparation has already been made for the introduction of kid’s collection. With Christmas just around the corner, the shop couldn’t have come at a better moment. Now you can shop for your gifts online and send them directly to your friends, family, or your lover.

For me I can now start imagining a Kenya where I can do all things through the internet –with internet banking, internet payment procedures, internet jobs, internet dating, now internet shopping and specialized delivery, I think I will only need to go out for fun.


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